Lilypie 6th to 18th PicLilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th PicLilypie 6th to 18th Ticker

Friday, November 30, 2007

Our new bunk bed.....

Three days ago my friend Lily (Raihan's classmate & our neighbours also) asked me whether I want to take over her children's bunkbed. I was surprised. I know the bed is still in quite good condition, it almost never been used by her children. According to her, the main reason was they ran out of space and children also didn't want to sleep there. So, we decided to take the bed....

Last night papah built the bed... and here it is... Our new (although not a brand new one...) Bunk Bed..... We can display our toys there.... and also there are 3 colourful drawers as stairs... we can 'hide' our toys there also.....
Thank you tante Lily.. thank you NurDiana & Kharissa.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Bantu2 mama...

Satu lagi 'kepandaian' baru anak2 selama liburan.... Bantu nata meja untuk makan malem, sebelum papah pulang kantor.....

Monday, November 26, 2007

Jurong Bird Park

Masih dalam rangka liburan anak2... hari ini kita jalan2 ke Jurong Bird Park.. soalnya selama ini baru Raihan aja yang pernah ke sana (sama temen&guru sekolahnya...).

Kita sempet nonton pertunjukan 'Bird of Prey Show', 'Birds n Buddies Show', Penguin feeding, Toucan Chitchat. Terus jalan2 ke Lori Loft (bisa kasi makan burung juga disana... ada jembatan goyang.. and the view is very beautiful..)... liat Waterfall Aviary (air terjun bikinan manusia yang katanya tertinggi di dunia). Sambil jalan menuju Splash & Slide Playground (tempat anak2 maen), kita bisa liat Parrot, Pelican, Swan, dan bermcm2 burung lainnya. Terus piknik dech (spt biasa kita bawa rantang... isinya mi goreng, nugget, sosis, roti) sambil nungguin & nyuapin anak2. Terus kita naik Ponirail Ride (monorail keliling Park). Eh iya sebelum pulang ngeliat ke 'World of Darkness'.. yang isinya bermacam2 burung hantu, dan ga ketinggalan beli pin (untuk nambain koleksi...)

Kenapa foto2nya sedikit??? Mmmm... karena ada 2 kejadian menyebalkan, Kamera & Handycam 2-2nya kompak abis batere!! sebel... not well prepared... but overall... all of us (especially children) were very happy

Saturday, November 24, 2007

I can make my own breakfast!!!

It's breakfast time.... During holiday I give freedom to children to choose their own preferrence breakfast... They choose bread spread with Nutella for today.

And this morning I offer them whether they want to make their own breakfast.
Mmm... it is quite a simple task.. but they are very excited that they can make it on their own...

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Toy Story

Hanif & Raihan punya permainan baru... bukan mainannya yang baru... tapi mainan2nya (ada ninja turtles, robot2 ranger dll, mickey mouse, buzz, transformer, dll) pada disuru maen bola.... ada bola kecilnya, ada kursi yang jadi gawangnya...

Seru juga, karena setiap 'pemainnya' dikasi nama sama mereka (karena sering maen bola di PS jadi mereka familiar sama nama2 pemain bola).. ada Kaka, ada Messi, Lanco Gonzales, Saviola, Crespo... I even don't know those names and don't know whether the spelling is correct or not...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hanif & Construction Toy

Dari dulu Hanif memang suka (& very talented) dengan permainan2 construction spt Lego. Pagi ini papah punya surprised present untuk Hanif & Raihan (tapi punyanya Raihan sich yang ngebuatin mamah & papah) ... ngerakit mobil tempur kecil. He was very excited (even he hasn't taken a bath and still wore his pajamas....) and he could finished it ALL by himself, just follow the instruction only!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Maen badminton

Anak2 maen badminton di lapangan Petal Garden di depan 606.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Report Booknya Hanif

Alhamdulillah nilai report booknya Hanif untuk Semester 2 ini bagus, walau ada yang turun nilainya, tapi overall naik.

  • English (1st) 91 (2nd) 88 (Overall) 90

  • Malay (1st) 92 (2nd) 90 (Overall) 91

  • Math (1st) 84 (2nd) 97 (Overall) 92
Percentage : 91

Teacher's Comment :

Hanif is a steady worker who takes pride in his work. He is a consistent achiever who conscientiously makes personal improvements to achieve better academic results. He is highly motivated to excel in his academic pursuits. He takes responsibility for the tasks assigned. He faces challenges positively and is accountable for all that he does. He is a reliable team leader who builds positive working relationship with his team members. Hanif shows great promise and has shown good work throughout the year.

Raihan's list of achievement

As young as 5 years old now, Raihan has already get so many achievement, whether in class, art, and sport....

Let's see one by one....

  1. When he was 3 years old (June 2005), he got the Best Student Award in his class, Playgroup Alif in Fajar Islami Kindergarten, Tangerang. He got the trophy at that time.
  2. August 2006, he got the 3rd place in 4PM Sport Day, and got a toy as a prize.
  3. October 2006, he became the 3rd winner on Colouring Competition, held by Reading Support Program 4PM, during the Singapore Zoo's Excursion. He got a Dart Toy.
  4. Then, December 2006, he was one of Outstanding Student in his Nursery Class, 4PM Kindergarten. He got $15 ampaw this time (and he used the money to buy Ladybird Read-it-Yourself Story Books Set)
  5. July 2007, he got the Top 3 student in his English Enrichment Class, held by Eunos RC1. He got Activity & Colouring Book for his achievement.
  6. August 2007, he and his team got the 3rd place in 4PM Sport Day. This time he got the Bronze Medal.
  7. The latest one, during 2007 Graduation Concert, he got the Good Progress Award in his K1 class. He got the Certificate and $15 ampaw.

Raihan, how proud we are of you..... Keep it up......!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

4PM 2007 Graduation Concert

Finally it comes to the end of Term 4, and we celebrate it on 2007 Graduation Concert at Singapore Post Auditorium Theatre. After K2 Grand Entrance, Ayaatul Qursy recitation and poetry, then there was Certifcate Presentation for K2 Graduates and for Outstanding Students who get Good Progress Award (Raihan is 1 of them!). Followed by performance by each class and closed with the Grand Finale. It i really a good performance....

Monday, November 12, 2007

Maen air di Bugis Junction

Sambil nunggu papah gym... anak2 maen di air mancurnya Bugis Junction...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Splashing at Wild Wild Wet

Hari ini kita jalan2 ke Wild Wild Wet....

Anak2 seneng banget, berenang di kolam arus (Shiok River), kolam ombak (WavePool), maen arung jeram di Ularlah dan terutama di kolam main anak2 (Professor Playground)..

Kita juga sekalian 'piknik',... bawa rantang isi kwetiau, nasgor, nugget.... anak2 makan lahaaap banget

Tired... but fun.....

Saturday, November 10, 2007

4PM Concert's Rehearsal

Hari ini Raihan ada 1st Rehearsal di stagenya Petal Garden di depan sekolahnya, untuk persiapan Graduation Concert tgl 14 November nanti.

Kumpul2 di rumah

Hari ini Telok kurau libur karena ada PSLE. Mum's hari ini ngerencanain ngumpul2 ma temen2nya... rame juga... Ada Heny + Andy+ Dany, ada Asih + Alim, ada Henny+kamalia+Dany+Farah, ada Ka bariah + Jariah+Ida+Muhammad..
Menu hari ini ada Tekwan, Pempek, Kwetiau Goreng... mmm yummy...
Sayang... lupa sama sekali ambil foto....

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Bill Of Materials (BOM)

Ternyata.. ada 3 penerapan BOM in my entire life until now....

  1. Waktu kuliah Sisprod (91-94) --> untuk ngitung MRP (spy nilai Sisprodnya bagus gitu loh....)
  2. Waktu jaman kerja jd konsultannya Baan ma Exact --> sama juga untuk ngitung MRP (spy dapet income maksudnya...)
  3. Sekarang... untuk ngitung bahan2 masak dan buat kue... (he he he) --> supaya hasil dapur bisa ok dan membuat keluarga senang makan.....