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Friday, November 16, 2007

Raihan's list of achievement

As young as 5 years old now, Raihan has already get so many achievement, whether in class, art, and sport....

Let's see one by one....

  1. When he was 3 years old (June 2005), he got the Best Student Award in his class, Playgroup Alif in Fajar Islami Kindergarten, Tangerang. He got the trophy at that time.
  2. August 2006, he got the 3rd place in 4PM Sport Day, and got a toy as a prize.
  3. October 2006, he became the 3rd winner on Colouring Competition, held by Reading Support Program 4PM, during the Singapore Zoo's Excursion. He got a Dart Toy.
  4. Then, December 2006, he was one of Outstanding Student in his Nursery Class, 4PM Kindergarten. He got $15 ampaw this time (and he used the money to buy Ladybird Read-it-Yourself Story Books Set)
  5. July 2007, he got the Top 3 student in his English Enrichment Class, held by Eunos RC1. He got Activity & Colouring Book for his achievement.
  6. August 2007, he and his team got the 3rd place in 4PM Sport Day. This time he got the Bronze Medal.
  7. The latest one, during 2007 Graduation Concert, he got the Good Progress Award in his K1 class. He got the Certificate and $15 ampaw.

Raihan, how proud we are of you..... Keep it up......!!!

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